
LifeFit Group publishes financial information

LifeFit Group publishes financial information


As a part of a financing process the LifeFit Group publishes selected information about the financial performance of its subsidiary Fitness First Germany GmbH.


Frankfurt/Main, 19. July 2019. For the period from November 2018 up to and including May 2019 ("YTD"), total club revenues amounted to EUR 70.4m (EUR 72.4m for the previous period, with the decline driven by the closure of certain clubs) and EBITDA amounted to EUR 7.4m (EUR 4.8m for the previous period). For the period from June 2018 up to and including May 2019 ("LTM"), total club revenues amounted to EUR 120.2m and EBITDA amounted to EUR 10.7m. At the end of May 2019, cash at bank and in hand amounted to EUR 8.2m.


For the financial year ending in October 2019, total club revenues are expected at EUR 118.5m and EBITDA at EUR 12.0m.


LifeFit Group veröffentlicht Finanzdaten


Im Rahmen eines Finanzierungsprozesses veröffentlicht die LifeFit Group ausgewählte Zahlen über die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung ihrer Tochtergesellschaft Fitness First Deutschland GmbH.


Frankfurt am Main, 19. Juli 2019. Für den Zeitraum von November 2018 bis einschließlich Mai 2019 ("YTD") beliefen sich die Gesamterlöse der Clubs auf 70,4 Millionen Euro (72,4 Millionen Euro im gleichen Zeitraum des vorherigen Jahres: der Rückgang ist auf die Schließung von Clubs zurückzuführen) und ein EBITDA von 7,4 Millionen Euro (4,8 Millionen im gleichen Zeitraum des vorherigen Jahres). Von Juni 2018 bis einschließlich Mai 2019 ("LTM") betrugen die Gesamteinnahmen der Clubs 120,2 Millionen Euro und das EBITDA 10,7 Millionen Euro. Ende Mai 2019 lagen die Beträge des Bankguthabens und der Kassenbestände zusammen bei 8,2 Millionen Euro.


Für das im Oktober 2019 endende Geschäftsjahr wird ein Gesamtumsatz von 118,5 Millionen Euro und ein EBITDA von 12 Millionen Euro erwartet.






The LifeFit Group is a leading fitness and health platform in Germany, uniting several fitness brands from the boutique, high-value-low-price and premium segments under one roof. The Group is committed to inspire and support its customers to live their best lives through personal, fun and focused health and fitness experiences. Fitness First with more than 60 clubs is the largest fitness service provider of the LifeFit Group and offers a motivating fitness experience including innovative training concepts, relaxation in the form of wellness facilities and 20+ pools. The exclusive Hamburg performance fitness provider elbgym stands for hard training and a strong community, while smile X positions itself in the high-value-low-price segment with a dedicated training area concept for a broad range of customer groups. The boutique fitness concepts of Barry's Bootcamp, the pioneer of high-intensity interval training indoors and The Gym Society, the innovative compact studio concept from the Netherlands, which aims to reach 80% of health-conscious people who have not yet found the right concept, complete the diverse portfolio of the LifeFit Group.


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